20 Lbs to lose by August...

The Name is Kym
My name is Kym, and as of May 22 2010 I weigh 135  and I'm barely 5ft tall. This is the official start of my horrific journey to lose 20lbs.. I say horrific because this journey is one that many people fail. I myself have fallen victim to the "small" piece of cake or that "small" cup of ice cream. I am determined to have more will power this time. The only way that I can actually reach my goal is if somehow i'm held accountable. So with this website I will inform the world of every ..Struggle, cheat, and triumphant that I encounter. I encourage everyone to say adios to those tacos and say helloooo bikini body. I know 20lbs may not seem like lots to many. But 20lbs has been a struggle for me and my self-esteem for toooo long. I'm 23 and my metabolism only goes down from here. So it's time for me to step up and enjoy this body while I can. So It is 2:53 am and after stuffing myself with leftover ice cream cake and indulging in Chips and salsa for the last time i have officially decided to put the fork down. Enough is enough. Step one..is admitting my problem. I over eat..not because i'm hungry but just because I have a compulsive eating disorder!! (self-diagnosed) of course..but I snack all day and I plan on nipping that in the butt. So enjoy my journey..I'll keep everyone posted on my eating, working out habits and even the stress that is soon to come. When I finally reach my goal of  115Lbs I'm sure every Pasta dish and pastry I turned down will be worth it.